• 01. Discovery Call

    Before any commitments are made, we schedule a 30-minute discovery call. This is our opportunity to discuss the full scope of your needs covering brand development, website design, and social media management. We'll outline deliverables, timelines, budgets, and any specific goals you're aiming to achieve. This call ensures we're aligned on expectations and ready to move forward.

  • 02. Proposal and Agreement

    Following our call, I'll draft a comprehensive project proposal that includes a detailed list of potential deliverables, an estimated timeline, and a quotation based on our discussion. Upon your approval of the proposal, I'll send the contract, a branding questionnaire, and an invoice for a 50% deposit. We'll proceed with the project once these elements are signed, paid, and completed.

  • 03. Strategic Planning

    With the formalities out of the way, it's time to dive deep into your project. This phase involves strategic planning for your brand development, website design, and social media strategy. I'll require a filled-out brief from you, alongside any inspiration or mood boards you may have. This helps me understand your vision and begin crafting a tailored strategy.

  • 04. Creative Direction and Branding Foundation

    Based on the information provided about your vision and goals, we'll decide on the creative direction within 1-2 weeks. This foundation is crucial for ensuring that the brand's visual and strategic elements are aligned with your business objectives.

  • 05. Creative Development

    Once the creative direction is set, I will create the designs, package them up, and deliver them to you. This includes visual assets such as business cards, flyers, and social media templates. You'll receive a presentation detailing the rationale behind each decision, offering you a clear view of the proposed direction.

  • 06. Review and Refinement

    Post-presentation, it's crucial to take a moment to absorb and consider the proposed strategies and designs. I encourage you to take at least a day or two before providing feedback. Depending on the extent of the revisions needed, I may address them via email or schedule another presentation for a more detailed walkthrough.

  • 07. Website Development

    After the branding is complete, we'll work on a user-centric site plan. Then, I’ll spend another 4+ weeks building a fully functioning Squarespace website tailored to your business needs. This timeline may vary depending on the complexity and functionality required.

  • 08. Final Approval and Implementation

    After receiving your final approval and payment for the brand and website strategies, I will promptly send over all required brand assets in an organized manner for immediate use. I will also assist with your website's launch to guarantee a flawless setup.

  • 09. Ongoing Social Media Management

    Once the website is up and running, we’ll focus on handling your social media. I'll develop an initial social media management strategy aimed at enhancing your brand's presence and engagement online. These services will be charged monthly, ensuring your social media remains active, relevant, and aligned with your overall brand strategy.